ART IN THE HEART OF THE OUTBACK | Cultivating Artistic Journeys in the West.
A gallery just for local Western Queensland artists to showcase their artwork to visitors and our outback community.
Longreach | Winton | Boulia | Hughenden | Diamantina | Barcoo | Barcaldine | Blackall – Tambo
Proudly Sponsored by Longreach Tavern
Exhibition Information
It’s essential that you read ALL the instructions and conditions before filling out the entry form.
To be considered for selection, the artist must comply with all entry instructions and conditions.
Size limits
Artworks must NOT exceed 120 cm length (including the mounting or framing). Be mindful of our space and wall restrictions. If bigger please let us know.
How the entry process works
Entry forms MUST be submitted online. No forms posted or emailed.
Upload a clear image.
AFTER the online form has been completed, all works will be processed and sorted for approval. We have very limited space, only selected art will be chosen to be showcased in the gallery. All chosen art works will be notified. Original artwork will still need to be brought to the Gallery, between the specified dates.
How much does it cost to enter?
Gallery exhibiting is FREE. If your artwork sells 100% goes to the artist. HOWEVER, if the artist would like to sell retail merchandise i.e prints in our shop there are standard retail fees, any extra funds made by the gallery go towards sponsoring the art prizes in August.
Selling artwork
This is optional. Artists don't need to have the works for sale.
Key dates for 2025
June Exhibition: online entry must be made by Monday 26th May 5pm.
Chosen art works must be delivered to 103 Eagle Street Longreach Tavern (Old TAB Building) by Thursday 29th May.
Eligibility: residents in Longreach, Winton, Boulia, Hughenden, Barcaldine, Barcoo, Diamantina, Blackall -Tambo
June Exhibition dates: Opening Saturday 31st May to 26th of June.
Pick up: after the June exhibition art work collection 27th June. 9am to 5pm (call for logistics and coordination)
Peoples Choice award announced after opening night. Prizes awards (TBA)
July Exhibition: online entry must be made by Wednesday 25th June 5pm.
Chosen art works must be delivered to 103 Eagle Street Longreach Tavern (Old TAB Building) by Thursday 26th June.
Eligibility: residents in Longreach, Winton, Boulia, Hughenden, Barcaldine, Barcoo, Diamantina, Blackall -Tambo
June Exhibition dates: Opening Saturday 29th June to 31st July
Pick up: after the July exhibition art work collection Tuesday 29th July 9am to 5pm (call for logistics and coordination)
Peoples Choice award announced after opening night. Prizes awards (TBA)
August Exhibition: online entry must be made by Monday 28th July 5pm.
Chosen art works must be delivered to 103 Eagle Street Longreach Tavern (Old TAB Building) Tuesday 29th July.
Eligibility: residents in Longreach, Winton, Boulia, Hughenden, Barcaldine, Barcoo, Diamantina, Blackall -Tambo
August Exhibition dates: Opening Saturday 2nd August to 31st August.
Pick up: after the August exhibition art work collection Sunday 31st August. 9am to 5pm (call for logistics and coordination)
Judging and prizes announced Opening night. Includes Peoples Choice award. Prizes awards (TBA)
The artist must be a resident in Western Queensland. Art work must be painted in the last 12 months. Must be the artists own work.
Preparing the work for delivery
Must be suitably framed for handling. A stretched canvas is considered a suitable frame.
Must be clearly marked on the back with the artist’s name and address and the title of the work.
Must be clearly marked on the back with the correct orientation of the work.
Must be accompanied by a photograph of the assembled work and clear instructions for its installation IF it is a complex work such as a multi-panelled work.
Must NOT be wet when submitted.
Must NOT include any hanging devices such as hooks or wires. These must be removed as they can damage other works. If the work is selected, the Gallery will attach its own hanging system.
The Gallery will NOT pay for any costs incurred in the delivery of any entry, including freight.
The Gallery recommends each artist maintains their own insurance for packing and transit to and from the Gallery. Also whilst the works are in the care, custody or control of the Gallery, the Gallery will not provide insurance cover, each individual artist must organise their own insurance.
Collection of works
The Gallery will NOT pay for any costs incurred in the collection of any work not selected as a finalist.
The Gallery will endeavour to return works in their original packing material; however, this is not guaranteed.
Selection of works
The finalists for the Miniritchi Gallery, are selected by ‘Gallery Supporter’ local judge Sarah Johnson Qantas Founders Museum Art Curator. Peoples choice is selected by the community. Prizes TBA
These exhibitions are NOT acquisitive (ie the works do NOT automatically enter into the Miniritchi Collection.)
The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence shall be entered into.
Finalists and prize winners will be announced to the media and published on the Gallery website These artists will be advised beforehand.
An artist whose work is selected for display will be asked to provide additional information (such as biographical details and a statement about the work) to assist with preparation of prize-related material.
JUNE | JULY | AUG Prizes
Each month has a judging criteria to be chosen to showcase and enter into the Gallery. However, both June and July are not a ‘judged’ competition (Only peoples choice).
August will be eligible for competition, judged with prizes.
Exhibiting selected works
The artist of a selected work grants the Gallery permission to display the work: Artists of selected works agree to make themselves available for the purposes of exhibition-related events, promotion and publicity at times and dates and in places reasonably requested by the Gallery. Use of images on Social Media and Advertising of event.
Licensing works
As a condition of entry, the artist grants to the Gallery a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual licence to reproduce, publish and communicate the selected work via any medium in existence now or in the future for the following range of purposes:
General marketing and promotion of the prize, the exhibition
General promotion of the Gallery and its objectives (including fundraising and sponsorship)
Archival purposes
Reporting purposes
Educational and research purposes, including making digital versions of the catalogue or other commercial publications featuring the work available to the public in the future.
Any additional commercial use of the selected work will be subject to a separate commercial agreement.
Original and non-infringing work
The artist warrants that the work is their original work and does not infringe the copyright, moral rights or other rights of any third party.
Where the work was created collaboratively, the artist warrants that the collaboration was done under the direction of the artist.
Indigenous cultural and intellectual property rights
Indigenous cultural and intellectual property (ICIP) rights are the rights that Indigenous people have, and want to have, in their traditional arts and culture or cultural heritage. Such rights may include the rights to: protect traditional knowledge and sacred cultural material; ensure that traditional laws and customary obligations are respected; attribution or naming of the community associated with such rights; prevent insulting, offensive or misleading uses of such traditional arts and culture; and control the recording of cultural customs and expressions which are essential to cultural identity, knowledge, skill and teaching about Indigenous culture.
If the work incorporates, is sourced from, or refers to ICIP material, the artist warrants that they have obtained the informed consent of the community custodians of the ICIP rights to use such material, and for the Gallery to display and reproduce the work as outlined in these entry conditions, and must provide evidence of ICIP consent to the Gallery upon request. When submitting their entry, the artist must advise the Gallery of any ICIP requirements that may impact attribution, display or reproduction of the work.